You have a fleet of equipment and you seek to manage it centrally by continuously monitoring the status and position of each equipment
Companies, therefore, seek to optimize the management of their equipment in a simple and efficient way:
The additional requirements complement this: documentation of the material, adding the procedures…
The control of this data aims to improve the safety and availability of the material stock.
The UBLEAM solution is designed to manage hardware data through its built-in, customizable database. It is simply configurable either by manually creating each equipment via the web back-office or by importing an Excel standard file containing the list of equipment and their attributes. It is also possible to interface Fusion directly with existing software (CMMS, ERP, GIS, etc.) by using the Fusion web services (API) to synchronize data automatically.
Attributes example:
Fusion simply helps you customize bleams, print them and deploy them in the field as described in this article. Once deployed on the objects, it is then enough to pair them with the mobile application UBLEAM.
For the configuration of mobile services, the generic functions available and configurable in the Fusion back-office are more than enough to address the needs:
to display equipment name and number
at the time of the scan of the phone
button to enter notes and take notes
button to retrieve the entire history of notes on the equipment
It is possible to go further by directly configuring the editing of attributes (status, last maintenance date, etc.) directly via mobile forms, sending email alerts when thresholds are exceeded,…. and this in a scalable way from the base configuration of Fusion.
Paper-based reporting is the one-size-fits-all solution, but it takes time for officers to capture information and is not very sustainable. Reports are often lost in a drawer.
CMMS solutions (including cloud, mobile and a tagging tool such as QR code or NFC) remain more expensive than Fusion and less intuitive. They remain focused on maintenance management while Fusion aggregates all material data (production, logistics, service provider monitoring,…).
With the upcoming arrival of the equipment search in augmented reality, Fusion has all the advantages to be the centralized management solution for your hardware.
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